Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monday on Wednesday, and other Pet Peeves

Monday on Wednesday, and other Pet Peeves

I love 4 day weekends. LOVE them. Like a mini vacation. However….The day following is positively terrible. Its Wednesday, except it’s really Monday. First day back. Lots of stuff to catch up on. We have this crazy receptionist. She seems to think that 1) If you are able to take a day off now and then, it MUST mean that you have nothing to do. So if you give her any kind of advance warning before you happen to be taking time off, she makes damn sure that you get your fair share of calls the day before you go. 2) While you are gone, she does not encourage people to leave you a message. Instead, she encourages them to call you back AS SOON as you get in, the day you get back. So, when I got back from my “mini-vacation”, and only had 4 voicemail messages, I KNEW this was not the end of it, and the phone has been ringing ever since. AND apparently, those that did leave messages were encourages to ALSO call back, so I guess it saves me the trouble of calling them back. And 3) EVEN THOUGH she knows how many people called while you were gone, and knows she encouraged them to call you back, she STILL seems to think you have nothing to do because, You ALSO get all of the NEW calls! Which is not so bad except…..

(Refer to my other blog about how everyone should have a blog) Last weekend, for everyone else was a 3 day weekend. It was Labor Day. EVERYONE in this building had Monday off. I just happened to take Tuesday too. WHY does everyone think that I am interested in giving them a play by play of my entire weekend, only one at time. I took the day off so I would not have to be around you people. WHY Does this make you think that I wanted to come back and share each exciting moment with you? Hence the Blog…If I wanted to share some of these details with you, I could put it on my blog, and tell you to go read it. I don’t really think it’s any of your business, and furthermore, I don’t think you REALLY care, you are only trying to stop and bother me in an attempt to prevent yourself from having to do what you actually came here for- WORK!

Pet Peeves seem especially prevalent on days like these.

WHY am I the only person that knows how to put paper in the copy machine? It has 2 drawers- one goes 8 ½ x 11, and the other 11 x 8 ½. Now I will admit that I am a little more OCD than most. AND the copier will change your 8 ½ x 11 copy to the size paper that is in the machine. BUT- It takes its’ sweet time doing so. So you go to make copies and suddenly it’s taking like 30 seconds a copy cause some other idiot couldn’t open the drawer and fill it with paper (Yes, I know I’m seriously OCD. It’s okay, I accept it)


This voicemail system we have- if you get a message that does not belong to you, you can send it to someone else. You are given the option to record a message in front of the message you are sending to the person, which is all fine and dandy. BUT- if you get a message that belongs to me, you do not need to record an introduction telling me that: you got a message that did not belong you you (duh); You are sending it to me (also duh), who it is, why they are calling, and what their phone number is. NEWSFLASH!!! I AM GOING TO GET ALL OF THAT INFORMATION WHEN I GET THE MESSAGE! So just send it, when I get it, I will know who it is, why they are calling, and what their phone number is, and my phone also tells me that YOU WERE THE ONE that sent it to me!!!

UGH. So Happy Monday. Or Wednesday.

Whatever. Is it over yet?

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