Sunday, April 22, 2012

We have chicks!

So every once in a while, when we drive into our neighborhood (out in the sticks), there is a sign that says "CHICKS $5" and for a year or so, we have been talking about getting chickens.  Well, we finally caved this year, the day before Easter. We decided the kids weren't playing on their playground anymore, so we would convert it to a coop.

Here it is at the beginning:

And a rock climbing wall at the back (The slide and wall will stay.)
 The stairs come off.
 The brace for the door is in.
 And the back wall is up.

 The door is in.
 The front wall is up.

 Getting ready for the roof.

 The back side.
 Chicken wire enclosing the run.

 The nesting boxes are in and the roof is attached.
 The inside door to the coop.
Shingling the roof.
 All done with the roof!

And the chicks are here!

 And the coop is painted, just finishing it up!