Saturday, October 24, 2009

Not your typical day on the water

The day started out pretty slow, and we didn't get to the water until about 10. There was a front that was supposed to move in in the afternoon, so we were sure the weather would blow us off the water. We got out to the reef and caught a few fish, nothing really spectacular. Then the back pole took off. I grabbed it and started trying to get it in. It would take off, and I would get a little back. It would take off, and I would get a little back. After a while, it seemed to be stuck at the bottom, though it would still give now and then. If we gave the line some slack, it would go tight again. There was another boat over by us, and their friends were scuba diving. So we figured when the divers came up we would ask them what we had down there.
The guy drops down and comes back up to tell us we have his anchor line, but don't worry, they'll pull anchor and give it back to us. So they pulled anchor, and we hadn't actually hooked their anchor line, but our line was only wrapped around it. The girl motioned to Pete that he could reel it in, it was free, but there was something still making it hard. Whatever we hooked was still there!! After a few minutes it surfaced, a stingray!

So we laugh a little, unhook the little guy and go on. While Pete was bringing in the ray, I caught this slimy little guy called a sand diver. Pete caught a barracuda, and we caught some other stuff. It was heating up so we decided to start heading in. I looked off into the distance and saw this huge boat. Pete said he thought it looked like a Coast Guard Cutter. We watch it for a little while, and all of a sudden there is smoke coming out the back of it and it is MOVING! There is a small boat in front that it looks like it's chasing.
AND it looks like they are heading in our direction. Pete, thinking that we want no part of this, fires up the motor and we start heading away. But the little boat seems to be getting away from the bigger boat, and they seem to be following us.
We head back towards the reef, because there was a bigger boat over there. If we're gonna be involved, maybe they can help. We go hide behind them.
But the smaller boat turned, they WERE following us! Oh CRAP! As they got closer, we realized the smaller boat was ALSO a Coast Guard boat.

They pulled up to us to do a safety inspection. They asked us what the heck we were doing, adn we told them we thought they were being chased and we were trying to get away! They said they thought WE were acting weird and wanted to check us out! Here's the mothership, watching over.
We laughed at ourselves, as I'm sure they laughed at us too. On the way back in, we saw our little beggar dolphin friend. He said hi.

So, all in all, it was a good day. Lots of fun stuff. The weather was Beautiful, as you can see from the still water in the pics. And, the best part is, there's still one day left in the weekend!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Suicide Mower

We bought our first mower when we bought our first house in 1999. It was a Poulon Push mower from Home Depot. Nothing fancy really. Our yard was pretty modest, and it suited us just fine. We sold that house in August 2003 and built a new one on a much bigger lot in 2004. The mower was just about kaput and I didn;t think it would hold up to our half acre much longer so for Father's Day that year I bought Pete a John Deere riding mower, and the old Poulon was parked in the shed.

That John Deere served us well. It went round and round. It took kids for rides. It chopped up crazy tall weeds and vines when we needed to clear the way to park the boat in the yard. It slowly died...Parts fell off, the cover broke in pieces, until suddenly KAPOW!!! Bye bye... :(

Poor Petey back to the pusher. I had forgotten that the choke on the mower had broken some time ago, until I hear the VROOOOOOOOOOOM........
as it revs high and low. I just had to laugh a little to myself just to hear it (hehe).

But after sitting idle for so many years, that thing had a mind of it's own! Pouting and throwing fits, breaking down and spitting out its pieces one at a time.

It vibrated SO much, that the bolts holding the top part down would wiggle right out. We lost a couple and Pete had to improvise with new bolts. Perhaps that's why the gas cap would pop off occasionally. So he used a piece of wire or a stick or something to hold it down. Perhaps that was attached to the piece of wire that was holding the choke open so it wouldn't stall out at the end of the revving cycle.

One day I came home to a halfway mowed lawn, and thought hmmm.... Wonder what happened today. Apparently, the mower SPIT OUT the spark plug. KAPOW! Pete says, hmmm... I wonder what that was? Tried to start it again and looked around to see what was wrong. Wow, I wonder where it went? COULD NOT FIND IT ANYWHERE!!! HAHAHAHAH!!

SO- after he figured out what kind of plug to replace it with (It is a 10 year old mower by now), he used some kind of new contraption to make sure the spark plug would not fly out again.

The deck on the back started to rust out, so he covered that with some duct tape so that the mowed clippings didn't fly out the top and catch fire. It was all holding together. I think he got a few full mows out of it.

Saturday, he went out to play with the lawn again. I was back in my sewing/soaping/scrapbooking room, tinkering with some new goodies I got. He made a few rounds past my window, (Vroooooooooooooooooom....vroooooooooooooooooooooooom...vroooooooooooooooooom) and suddenly it stops. (hehe) Part of me expects it to just start up again, but this time it does not.

About 10 minutes later, Pete goes by the window, and starts pushing the (dead) mower across the yard. I open the window to have a chat.

"What's going on?" I ask.
"I don't think I can fix it." He says.
"What Happened?"
"The gas tank fell off" he says. "FELL OFF!"
"hmmm...." as I look out the window at this sad contraption that has been TRYING to die.
For all the stuff holding it together, I can't see much of the original creature, but it looks pretty sad.

So the spark plug spitting, super revving mower is dead. RIP Poulon. RIP.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monday on Wednesday, and other Pet Peeves

Monday on Wednesday, and other Pet Peeves

I love 4 day weekends. LOVE them. Like a mini vacation. However….The day following is positively terrible. Its Wednesday, except it’s really Monday. First day back. Lots of stuff to catch up on. We have this crazy receptionist. She seems to think that 1) If you are able to take a day off now and then, it MUST mean that you have nothing to do. So if you give her any kind of advance warning before you happen to be taking time off, she makes damn sure that you get your fair share of calls the day before you go. 2) While you are gone, she does not encourage people to leave you a message. Instead, she encourages them to call you back AS SOON as you get in, the day you get back. So, when I got back from my “mini-vacation”, and only had 4 voicemail messages, I KNEW this was not the end of it, and the phone has been ringing ever since. AND apparently, those that did leave messages were encourages to ALSO call back, so I guess it saves me the trouble of calling them back. And 3) EVEN THOUGH she knows how many people called while you were gone, and knows she encouraged them to call you back, she STILL seems to think you have nothing to do because, You ALSO get all of the NEW calls! Which is not so bad except…..

(Refer to my other blog about how everyone should have a blog) Last weekend, for everyone else was a 3 day weekend. It was Labor Day. EVERYONE in this building had Monday off. I just happened to take Tuesday too. WHY does everyone think that I am interested in giving them a play by play of my entire weekend, only one at time. I took the day off so I would not have to be around you people. WHY Does this make you think that I wanted to come back and share each exciting moment with you? Hence the Blog…If I wanted to share some of these details with you, I could put it on my blog, and tell you to go read it. I don’t really think it’s any of your business, and furthermore, I don’t think you REALLY care, you are only trying to stop and bother me in an attempt to prevent yourself from having to do what you actually came here for- WORK!

Pet Peeves seem especially prevalent on days like these.

WHY am I the only person that knows how to put paper in the copy machine? It has 2 drawers- one goes 8 ½ x 11, and the other 11 x 8 ½. Now I will admit that I am a little more OCD than most. AND the copier will change your 8 ½ x 11 copy to the size paper that is in the machine. BUT- It takes its’ sweet time doing so. So you go to make copies and suddenly it’s taking like 30 seconds a copy cause some other idiot couldn’t open the drawer and fill it with paper (Yes, I know I’m seriously OCD. It’s okay, I accept it)


This voicemail system we have- if you get a message that does not belong to you, you can send it to someone else. You are given the option to record a message in front of the message you are sending to the person, which is all fine and dandy. BUT- if you get a message that belongs to me, you do not need to record an introduction telling me that: you got a message that did not belong you you (duh); You are sending it to me (also duh), who it is, why they are calling, and what their phone number is. NEWSFLASH!!! I AM GOING TO GET ALL OF THAT INFORMATION WHEN I GET THE MESSAGE! So just send it, when I get it, I will know who it is, why they are calling, and what their phone number is, and my phone also tells me that YOU WERE THE ONE that sent it to me!!!

UGH. So Happy Monday. Or Wednesday.

Whatever. Is it over yet?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Facebook changed my life- Really!

A few months ago, I had gotten to a point in my life where I felt like nobody really "got" me. I have a very specific point of view. I realize that. But, I was surrounded by people that did not appreciate how out spoken I was about the things I felt strongly about. Next comes facebook. Through facebook, I have reconnected with some people from my past, the people who were my best of best friends. And talking with them, I realized that there ARE people who get me! After 23 years, I was able to pick up and chat the night away with my best friend form 3rd grade! Emails and chats miles away from another friend revealed painful moments in our pasts that we could both understand about each other- feelings that had previously been undescribable. The words flow freely with these people I have had real connections with. For me, it was like a huge weight was lifted, and I see the world in a whole new light. There ARE people who get me. I need to find more of those people to surround myself with, instead of trying to make myself someone I am not for people that can't connect with me.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Two things, totally unrelated to each other, occurred to me today.

1. Everybody should have a blog. If somebody doesn't want to hear what you have to say, they shouldn't have to sit and listen to you. Have a blog. If I want to know what you have to say, I'll read your blog. If I don't want to know what irrelevant crap you have to say today, I won't read your blog. This will also prevent you from having to share this irrelevant information separately to every individual you come into contact today, also preventing the people sitting right next to the last person you just "shared" with from having to hear the same story again. (A day in the life of a cubicle worker)

2. If you don't know how to drive in the rain, you should get off the road. Don't drive down the interstate at 15 miles an hour with your hazards on. You're in Florida. It rains here. A LOT. If you can't drive in the rain, stay home. support my cause: It's ILLEGAL to drive in Florida with your hazards on.

Happy Weekend everyone!